Land Use File 07SPR-23, Bath


File ID: 07SPR-23


Application Type: Site Plan Review


Applicant: Jesse Bath


Application Date: October 11, 2023


Location: 16690 Assembly Way, La Pine, OR 97739


Proposal Summary: The applicant proposes add on to an existing self storage facility. The addition will be 8,100 square feet in size.


Proposal Status: Staff approved the application and Notice of Decision was sent out on March 14, 2024. In accordance with LPDC Section Section 15.204.020, the 12 day appeal period will end Tuesday March 26th at 5:00 pm.


Public Comments: Please submit all comments in writing or email to the staff planner listed below. 


Staff Contact: 

Rachel Vickers, Associate Planner

(541) 280-5680


Applicant and Staff materials can be seen under Supporting Documents