04SPR-23, Tavaras


File ID: 04SPR-23


Application Type: Site Plan Review


Applicant: Guy and Lisa Tavares


Application Date: 6/26/2023


Location: 51455 Huntington Road, La Pine, OR 97739


Proposal Summary: The applicant is requesting Site Plan Review to locate a 2,250 SF stick built commercial office building on the subject property that will be used as offices for a real estate agency. 


Proposal Status: The application was deemed complete on August 3, 2023 and Notice of Application was sent to relevant agencies and property owners within 100 feet. Under Oregon State Statue, City staff has 120 days to issue a decision once an application is deemed complete. 


Staff Contact: 

Brent Bybee, Principal Planner


(541) 668-1135


Applicant and Staff materials can be seen under Supporting Documents