Land Use File 02MOD-23, Danco


File ID: 02MOD-23


Application Type: Modification of Approval


Applicant: Danco Communities


Application Date: October 10, 2023


Location: The subject property has no situs address but is located at on Deschutes County Assessors Map 22-10-11CB on Tax Lot 100. 


Proposal Summary: The applicant proposes to modify a previous condition of approval for a right of way dedication in relation to a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change (03ZC-19). Specifically, the applicant requests to modify the diameter of the roundabout at the intersection of Huntington Road and Memorial Lane.


Proposal Status: A public hearing was held in front of the La Pine Planning Commission on March 6, 2024. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the proposed modification. A public hearing is scheduled in front of the La Pine City Council on March 27, 2024 at the regularly scheduled City Council meeting.  Information for remote and in person participation can be found on the City's website the Thursday before the meeting. The Staff Report will be uploaded to the website seven days prior to the hearing.


Public Hearing Information: Testimony may be given in person at City Hall, or by joining the zoom call included on the City Council Agenda. 


Public Comments: Please submit all comments in writing or email to the staff planner listed below. 


Staff Contact: 

Rachel Vickers, Associate Planner

(541) 280-5680


Applicant and Staff materials can be seen under Supporting Documents